RipRacer Shipping Update: March 31, 2022

RipRacer Shipping Update: March 31, 2022

We’re super excited to report that our first batch of new RipRacer e-bikes has arrived at our Southern California warehouse! After a thorough inspection from our team of mechanics, we began shipping bikes (all colors) to some of our November pre-order customers this week! 

On Hand Rip-Racer

Additional containers of the RipRacer are already en route to San Diego and will be ready to ship to customers in May. For all of our pre-order customers, we will continue to provide email updates if your quoted shipping dates are delayed. Our expectation is to fulfill all current pre-orders by the end of May. 

If you’ve been thinking about purchasing a new RipRacer, please note that our special pre-order $100 OFF discount will only run through April. It’s a great time to buy and ensure you’re getting the very best price on our newest e-bike (plus your RipRacer will be delivered before the start of summer). 

On a personal note, I’m still in China and have been working closely with our manufacturing partner to finish the development and production of the RipRacer over the last few months. As much as I love my HyperScorpion, the RipRacer has actually become my everyday e-bike and my main mode of transportation. Yes, someone as tall as me can comfortably ride this bike! The smaller size, combined with the 15Ah battery and 750W motor, delivers an incredibly responsive ride (and a surprising amount of quick acceleration). I use the RipRacer as my primary e-bike, however, because it fits in my elevator and most small spaces very easily. It’s just a really functional and convenient e-bike to use. 

If you’re one of the lucky pre-order customers set to receive a RipRacer in the next few days, we’d love to see your new ride out in the wild, so don’t forget to tag us at #juicedbikes on your social posts. 

Thank you to all of our RipRacer pre-order customers. Unfortunately, disruptions in the global supply chain impacted our production schedule and delivery plan for RipRacer, but I’m thrilled that we’re now shipping this super fun and functional new bike. It’s absolutely worth the wait! We’re grateful for your ongoing support and patience.

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